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A Real Resource for Coaches

The transition is a basketball coaching and consulting system for the Next Generation of leaders!

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We recognize the real problems you face and we build courses to help you solve problems and succeed.

  • Learn from professionals
  • Go at your own pace
  • Get valuable, honest feedback
  • Build a community

This curriculum is based on my experiences, successes, and failures.

I am living proof that anyone can find their niche and impact the industry. You just have to be willing to do the work like I did!

  • Started a basketball business at 19 years old
  • Played college basketball & finished 2nd team All-American with NO organized experience in middle or HS athletics
  • Served as an assistant coach on the pro level, director of NBA Pre-Draft, international consultant, & evaluator/scout
  • Served as general manager for multiple facilities with staffs of floor coaches & personal trainers
  • His mentorship has helped multiple coaches earn professional job opportunities

FREE course

“6 Misconceptions of In-Season Player Development”

As a special gift to you, I’d like to offer access to my mini-course! Here you will learn how I was able to develop young CBA rookies and veteran stars during a long and grueling season. Player development doesn’t have to stop at the end of the summer!

Click below to learn more!

  • Learn from professionals
  • Go at your own pace
  • Get valuable, honest feedback
  • Build a community

What Are Others Saying About Korey?

“Hey Korey,

I really pulled the value of being prepared, organized and leadership from you guys this summer. I think I needed to see that example, so I can try and model that in my career. 

Thank you again for this summer! Would love to continue to learn and build with you.”

– Coach Tyson Campbell (HS/Post Grad Coach for The Skill Factory)

“I truly appreciate the content you have given me to study materials that I need in order to take my career to the next level. I really enjoyed the breakdown of each individual player including weakness, strength, and confidence. 

You do an excellent job!! I truly appreciate all of the love and appreciation you have given to me.”

– Coach Josh Cistrunk (Milton Eagles Youth & Elevate to Greatness AAU)

“One of the best in the business for real!”

– Al Durham Jr. (Indiana/Providence Univ. & International Pro Point Guard)

“This is GOLD!”

– Coach Statham (Statham Basketball Academy)

“I need to book another consultation with you ASAP!”

– Coach Lakeisha Sutton (Head Coach of George School Girls Varsity Basketball)

“Great information! Stay at it!”

– Jay Hernandez (NBA/NBA G-League Coach)

“Golden and thoughtful as usual. It’s one thing to say these things out of your mouth and another to live them… and that’s why they have EXTRA power coming out of your mouth!”

– Coach Eric Slivoskey (College/International Pro Football Coach, Author, Counselor, & Motivational Speaker)

“Great work! I have learned a lot from your videos!”

– Royuan (Chinese Basketball Association Translator & Certified Agent)

“You are a life changer!”

Myles Broadie (College Point Guard)

“Korey is one of the most knowledgeable basketball minds in the game.”

– Andrew Harrison (NBA Pro)

“You have definitely been instrumental in the success of the organizations and teams that you’ve been a part of and helping guys stay ready, including myself!”

– Donald Sloan (NBA Pro)

“Korey, you have such a GREAT story man. Your heart is pure!”

– Ganon Baker (International Skills Coach)

Korey! You’re a GOAT in my eyes. I just want to give you your flowers. I remember just reaching out to you a couple years back and responded immediately and we connected. You could’ve “big timed” me like all the others do and never responded, but you didn’t do that and for that I’m forever grateful.

I learned so much just from being around you. You’re honorable and you keep it real. Hope to continue to learn from you. You helped change my life and gave me the confidence that I can really do this player development work on a high level. Hope that we can have more consultation calls. God bless you and your family Korey. I appreciate you brother!

– Coach Jefferson (HS Assistant Coach & Skill Development Trainer)

“I wish I could have sessions with him every week! You can tell that he cares. Korey has been a great mentor!”

– Coach Patrick Reguliar (Pro Assistant Coach for Zhejiang Golden Bulls)

“The coaching calls were fantastic. The older I get the better student I’ve become. Being organized and detailed have been a staple of my development as a coach. Knowing who I am as a coach and as a human being is something I got from the calls as well. It’s ok to not know everything.”

– Coach Todd Cooper (Pinnacle Basketball Training)

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