About Us

“Everything great starts as a seed.”
– Korey Harris

The Birth of The Transition

Since 2008, the mission has been to help players become better people, but is that all? Times have changed over the years. Now there are plenty of personal trainers and skill development coaches eager to teach and help this generation of athletes, BUT WHO IS TAKING THE TIME TO

This is the dilemma that I realized in 2018 as I began traveling the world and served as a professional coach overseas. There was no blueprint or roadmap for how to improve and grow as a coach. The “student of the game” found himself in a new state of “transition”.

  1. How do I grow my basketball IQ as a coach to better serve my players?
  2. How do I approach player development so that my players can get consistent results?
  3. How do I eventually build my own personal coaching philosophy?
  4. How do navigate the business side of basketball as a trainer?
  5. How do I become a better assistant coach?
  6. What does it take to become a successful head coach?

After 16 years of struggling, studying, learning from mentors, and serving in numerous roles, I have put together a comprehensive curriculum that will allow you to skip the painful failures
and hard lessons that so many experience because of ignorance and make a larger impact on your players!

Welcome to The Transition!

Why We Do What We Do

At one point in time, if you were a young player looking to learn the game of basketball, you relied on a family member, neighbor, friend, or local team coach to take the time to teach you. This organic form of “passing it on” produced some of the world’s best talent, but it also left others who didn’t have the same resources or connections with no clear way of being taught the game. This was my experience.

After not being exposed to the game of basketball till late in my adolescence, I attempted to try out for the local middle and high school teams only to be cut every single time. Each year my skills improved, but I still found myself playing “catch-up” to other players at my age level because I lacked the fundamentals and experience most gain much earlier. By the time I graduated high school in 2007, I had never played organized basketball.

Regardless, I made the decision to press forward and chase after my goal of playing college basketball but realized that there were millions of young people just like me who had not had the luxury of being taught the game that so many love. At that moment it became clear that this mission was much bigger than me. My purpose was to use my failure and lack of exposure as the driving force to help others receive the opportunity to become the highest version of themselves.

“Everything great starts as a seed.”
– Korey Harris

How We Got Here

In March of 2008, I launched Student of the Game Training Co. LLC and began providing basketball skill development services to young kids on the grassroots levels in Atlanta, GA. Since
then, S.O.G. has reached thousands of players and multiple organizations via training, camps, and clinics around the world.

I eventually reached my crazy dream of playing college basketball and finished my senior season as an ACCA/NCAA Div. III 2 nd Team All-American. After finishing my collegiate career, I turned down a professional contract in the Philippines to travel abroad and serve the basketball community in multiple continents (North America and Asia) and develop players on the professional level (NBA, WNBA, FIBA, & National Olympians), the collegiate level (NCAA, NJCAA, NAIA, ACCA), high school and middle school levels.

“Everything you need is already on the inside of you. It’s just waiting to be uncovered and sharpened.”
– Korey Harris

Who is Korey?

  • Founded basketball skill development business in 2008
  • Played PG on the JUCO & NCAA Div III levels
  • Coaching experience on the grassroots, AAU, HS, collegiate, & professional levels
  • International camp clinician, speaker, and published author
  • Served as GM for Shoot 360 Atlanta franchise 
  • Served Director of Pro & NBA Pre-Draft for The Skill Factory 

Coaching Core Values & Mission

  1. Focus – Be present in THIS moment. Be wherever your feet are…
  2. Gratitude – Be grateful for THIS moment. Nothing is promised to anyone…
  3. Commitment – Give everything in THIS moment. Watch as that energy circles back to you…
  4. Compete – Make THIS moment your best one because there will always be someone else looking to take your spot.
  5. Joy – In THIS moment we get to do what we love to do! Most people don’t…

Anyone Who Desires to be a Great Teacher Must

Be a Great Student First!

With 4 modules containing over 35 chapters of information created specifically for you, why wouldn’t you join the family?!