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Leading While Being Led: Impact the Sport & Business World While Following Christ.

Leading While Being Led will not be like many books that you have read before because I know that I’m not like many authors. As an aspiring coach who is also a college basketball player, I chose to write a book that would focus on both perspectives. I wanted to address the obstacles that I face on a daily basis and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. The knowledge on these pages is proven. I started Student of the Game Training Co. at the age of 19 with no endorsements, funding, or support. I had no understanding of what it took to make it, but decided to seek mentors who could show me the way. What they’ve taught me has made the hundreds of players that I’ve worked with over the years great on the court and has made me a successful entrepreneur and leader. And now I want to share it with you!

Student of the Game: Dribble Drive, ball Handling & Passing Handbook

This drill book is a MUST have for serious players who are determined to get better! This is one of the first drill books written specifically for the player. All of the techniques and concepts featured are broken down so that the reader can easily grasp them and take it directly to the court! The handbook features elite drills from some of the world’s best coaches, trainers, and organizations as well as some of the best moves from legendary players. The handbook is affordable and available for download on iPad, Kindle, and multiple devices!